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Aggregate your data
Because there are now so many tech platforms in the restaurant industry, oftentimes the information you need is split between 5 different platforms that don’t always speak to each other.
By allowing Tenzo to aggregate all that data, you can save countless hours as well as a lot of confusion and get the right information to the right person in real-time.
“Marketman and Tenzo is the perfect pairing for restaurateurs who want complete control and visibility over their operations. Business decisions now come at ease driven by real, actionable data.”
Noam Wolf Chief Executive Officer Marketman
Chief Executive Officer

Menu Item Profitability
Tenzo upgrades your Marketman reporting by identifying Menu Item profitability, including
the change in price of items over time (from the date we connect the integration)
By understanding which menu items bring the most revenue, operators know which dishes they should be pushing to drive up their margins.

Real-time alerts
We’ll send you an alert when something doesn’t quite look right so you know sooner rather than later.
For instance, we can alert you when there is an inventory price change and how that will impact your cost of goods sold.
What’s important is that the right person knows what’s going on and can make changes before it’s too late and you’re left out of pocket.