icon Aggregate

All your data in one place

Gather your operational data in one place. Sales, labour, inventory and reviews to give you a complete overview of your operations. Understand how your business is performing at any moment in real-time.


less time compiling reports
icon Analyse & Predict

See past, present & future

Know what happened yesterday, what’s happening today, and what will happen tomorrow thanks to our business intelligence and forecasting engine. Never be caught off guard again and get the insights you need for a thriving business.


more accurate demand forecasts
icon Act

Improve restaurant performance

Data means nothing if you don’t do anything with it. With Tenzo’s alerts, always be aware of anything unusual or changes in demand. Act on the insights to drive performance across your business.


Improved gross margin

Just landed! Our new Ebook.

The blueprint for how to optimise your restaurant’s performance.

Possibilities with Tenzo

Automate reporting

Get instant access to the metrics you need. Tenzo sends you the reports you need when you need them.

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Optimise labour

Know how to staff most efficiently for best productivity metrics.

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Forecast demand

Always know what to expect. Tenzo’s machine learning forecasts your future demand taking factors like weather, holidays, and national events into account.

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Benchmark sites

See how each of your sites is performing. Understand where your best sites are thriving and where others could improve.

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Increase sales

See where the opportunities are to add even more bottom line. Never leave money on the table.

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Integrations to bring your tech together

Tenzo integrates with over 70 different platforms to make bringing your data together as easy as can be.

“Tenzo gave us facts to base our decisions on; before it was quite anecdotal, saying that it “feels like we’re not making money” or “it feels like we’re overstaffed at these times”.

Tom Brand, Finance Director, Incipio

“We want to get rid of administration as much as possible, so they can focus on training, being there with the team, and analysis. And that’s where Tenzo helps.”

Benjamin D’Hertefelt, Project Manager, NONA

“Tenzo’s forecasting solution combines machine learning with an easy to use mobile app for the restaurant managers. This has helped increase labour productivity by hour by 15%.”

Moji Neshat, GM Singapore, Nando’s

“Having Tenzo has really made our lives so much easier.”

Svenja Siltmann, Group Operations Manager, Generator & Freehand